Jacquelyn H.
Topic: Skin Cancer
Essential Question: What is the best way to treat skin cancer?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 5: Second Interview Questions

I will be interviewing Mrs. Griffin once again. Since this interview is about background of the interviewee, I feel more confident in interviewing Mrs. Griffin. I do have prior knowledge of some background of Mrs. Grffin, which will allow me to have some kind of foundation to base some of my questions that I will be asking her in the interview. Also, her stories of her background was what that got me interested in Radiation Therapy.

I plan on asking these questions:
  1. Why radiation therapy and not something else?
  2.  What was your path like to becoming a certified radiation therapist? (School wise)
  3. Has your career benefited and/or interfere with your home life?
  4. How did you end up working where you work now?
  5. What kind of training do you have?
  6. What was the most important class you took and why?
  7. What other jobs did you have? Did you help you prepare to become a radiation therapist?

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